Marouska Smith, @grousetyeeskiclub U8/10 Head Coach, recommended April’s Book of the Month, Hidden Potential: The Science of Achieving Greater Things by Adam Grant.

Why did Marouska choose this book? “Aren’t we all looking for our hidden potential? Every chapter in this book allowed me to think more deeply about my constant development as a parent, friend, teacher and coach,” she explained.

“This book discusses building character, embracing the discomfort of learning, getting unstuck, and making learning more fun. There are so many layers to becoming better and doing it on your own terms. I found this to be an engaging read and have already referred back to it several times.”

Marouska was born in London, UK, and grew up in Richmond, BC. She played a lot of sports growing up, both team and individual.

“I didn’t start skiing until [until I joined my] high school ski club. I was instantly hooked! After I had kids, I started skiing with them at 2- and 3-years old and they loved it, too. They have grown up racing in the Grouse Mountain Tyee Ski Club. I started coaching 10 years ago at the age of 40 when the U8 Head Coach at the time said, ‘You’re always here tail-gunning. Why don’t you start coaching?’ After many courses and what seems like thousands of hours of skiing, I am so happy about where coaching has taken me. Working evenings and weekends has been tough with a husband and family, but I have been around on the hill for my children. I can’t think of a better way to spend my days.”