Straight Talk: Cycle-Sync Style Training

Have you ever wondered whether or not women are more prone to training fluctuations? Do you know why? As one constant, but fluctuating factor, the menstrual cycle greatly impacts female performance. In our series of articles by Dr. Stacy Sims, MSc, PhD, an exercise physiologist and nutrition scientist from Stanford, October’s article is focused on the science of training in relation to the female menstrual cycle and how women can better training by cycle syncing.

Love It or Hate It: Dryland Training Is Key

Why is dryland pre-season training so important? What are the phases of pre-season training in ski racing? In his article, Dr. Jim Taylor, explains the various phases of dryland training and the psychological background of “the grind.” Dr. Taylor competed internationally while skiing for Burke Mountain Academy, Middlebury College, and the University of Colorado. He is the creator of the “Prime Ski Racing” series of online courses and the author of Train Your Mind for Athletic Success.

Thanks for the article recommendation Titouan Olanié, Vancouver Ski Team (VST) Head Coach in Vancouver, BC.