Coach Spotlight: Meet Laura Berry

🏠Hometown: Barrie, Ontario

⛷️Years Coaching: 20+ years

🎖️Licenses/Certs: Entry Level Advanced CR, Development Level TR, CPTN-PT, NCCP LF/CE

👤 Currently Coaching: Head Coach at Snow Valley Ski Resort

🔎Coaching Experience: All ages at club level, Head Coach

☃️ First stepped on snow: Age 5

✍🏽Phrase of guidance: Push your self to be better than you were the day before. Just stop and take it in, the joy, the challenge and the beauty of skiing!

Laura’s favourite…

🌄Mountain: Marmot Basin, Jasper (aside from Snow Valley of course!)

🍳Breakfast: Cinnamon French Toast with fresh wild blueberries and a chai latte

🎞️Memory: Racing – beating one of our programs fastest girls in a dual slalom when I was 12

Coaching – watching 3 of our athletes push themselves at a Whistler Invitational in 2022 on hills MUCH steeper and longer than they were used to, I was so proud of them!

☃️ What are you doing within the ski community? I now run the program at Snow Valley Ski Resort, a member of the SOD Committee in Ontario and a new member on the CSIA Women in Ski National Committee.

💡If you could put what ski racing taught you into one sentence, what would it state? Until you try, you will never know!

🤩 I have three wonderful active kids (ages 15/14/8) and both my daughters ski race. My eldest daughter just got her CSIA Level 1 last year and taking the EL course in January! My son can ski as well but chose the dark side – hockey! I am passionate about bringing more young females into roles as instructors and coaches and pushing them to work towards their goals and  through their certifications!

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