Coach Spotlight: Meet Sarina Daigle

🏠Hometown: Gatineau, Quebec

⛷️Years Coaching: 12 years

🎖️Licenses/Certs: Development Level Certified and in the process to complete her Performance Level training

👤 Currently Coaching: U14 Lead at Camp Fortune Ski Club, Head coach of sport-études Mont-Bleu

🔎Coaching Experience: U10, U12, U14 and Sport-études

☃️ First stepped on snow: Age 5

✍🏽Phrase of guidance: Young female coaches, know that you possess the capability to excel in the world of sports. Each step you take breaks down barriers and demonstrates that ‘you can do it,’ proving that determination and passion are your greatest assets, transcending gender boundaries.

Sarina’s favourite…

🌄Mountain: Revelstoke. I go back every year to ski some powder and have fun in the backcountry.

🍳Breakfast: Oatmeal with blueberries and greek yogourt!

🎞️Memory: My favorite skiing memory is undoubtedly the Skimeister competition at Camp Fortune.

☃️ What are you doing within the ski community? I’ve taken the initiative to establish a strength and conditioning program specifically tailored for ski racers under my company, Athera Performance. I conduct summer training sessions that focus on building the fundamental skills required for ski racing. As a certified athletic therapist, I also support the older athletes, specifically in U16-U18. During the winter season, my focus is on physical preparation and injury prevention through mobility and stretching routines. 

💡If you could put what ski racing taught you into one sentence, what would it state? Ski racing taught me that while staying warm is essential, the real warmth comes from the camaraderie and support of a strong community and team spirit, which are crucial for an athlete’s success in an individual sport.

🤩 I take pride in the belief that I’ve made a positive impact on numerous young ski racers, aiding them in becoming better athletes and fostering their passion for skiing. Whether they choose to continue their racing careers, become coaches themselves, or simply enjoy skiing as weekend enthusiasts, my goal is to leave a lasting influence on their journey.

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